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HOW MANY ELECTROLYSIS TREATMENTS WILL I NEED & HOW OFTEN?Many factors influence hair growth. You will need to return for anywhere between several treatments to several years of treatments There are MANY VARIATIONS to each treatment/ person/ each individual hair/ skin tolerance/ discomfort tolerance and the total number of sessions needed to remove hair permanently from a particular area will vary from person to person Depending on how many hairs need to be removed, clients may return once a week, every other week or as needed. Most unwanted hair will be gone forever once the series of treatments is complete. Each treatment lasts between 15 minutes and two hours At your initial consultation, we will provide you with options for your appointment schedule that take into account your schedule & finances
DO I NEED A CONSULTATION?Absolutely! Even if you've had electrolysis treatments elsewhere We provide a thorough consultation including an explanation of technique; the process involved and the expected outcomes. We also do a test patch to determine the settings needed so when you arrive for your appointments, we can begin straight away. An individual treatment plan will be suggested based on the hair that is visible during your consultation, your previous hair removal methods, availability and of course, your comfort but it is not fully known what you will NEED until we're well into the first or second session. Please bring any relevant medical history, this information is necessary as some medical conditions and medications may alter type of modalities used or deem the treatment not suitable.
DOES TREATMENT FREQUENCY HAVE A BEARING ON SUCCESS?It is important to participate in a planned program of electrolysis but extending the time between treatments every now and again is perfectly acceptable. Regrowth is very fragile when it first appears. This is the optimum time for treatment otherwise hormones may cause the hair to rebuild its original strength, negating the effectiveness of previous treatments. The speed at which your hair grows and the number of hairs present will reduce over time, so you will need treatments less frequently as your course of Electrolysis proceeds and hair growth diminishes.
AM I A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR ELECTROLYSIS?Do you have blonde, red or grey hairs? Do you have dark hair on dark skin? Do you have tattoos? Have you been treated with laser or IPL hair removal and only have sparse hairs left? Have you been treated with laser or IPL only to find it has made your hair growth worse? Do you want to define your eyebrows hairline or beard line? Remove unwanted ear and some nostril hairs? Unlike laser and IPL, electrolysis works on all hair types & most body areas so YES, electrolysis is an option for you
ARE THERE ANY RISKS TO ELECTROLYSISThere are several possible short term skin irritations that may occur. Other than that, we will not treat pregnant women and there are several health contra-indications that may result in clients needing to obtain a written consent from their doctors or we may decline treatment
CAN MOLE HAIRS BE TREATED WITH ELECTROLYSIS?Some, yes. I’ll need you to provide WRITTEN CONSENT from your GP or dermatologist to verify that it will be safe to treat your moles with electrolysis.
HOW MUCH WILL IT COST ME?Often one of the first questions and a BIG indication that the information provided in this website has not been read so I'm addressing this firstly and BLUNTLY I. DON'T. KNOW! You are different than anyone else and I don't know how many hairs or stem cells YOU have Electrolysis removes one hair at a time and each follicle needs to be treated several times before the hair will never return There are many variables to each session. We will suggest a course of treatment during consultation, possibly/probably alter that suggestion within the first few sessions as more hair becomes visible or you establish tolerance levels -If, for instance, you need to remove a large amount of hair, we may suggest a 2 hour session weekly If the 2 hour- $210 per session per week is not affordable long term, 2 hours every 2 or 3 weeks is also an option that will still get your desired results over time, so is 1 hour per 1/2/3 weeks if you're uncomfortable with 2 hour sessions or we don't have 2 hour timeslots available
IS ELECTROLYSIS BETTER THAN LASER & IPL?Electrolysis is still the only form of permanent hair removal available worldwide! The great thing about electrolysis is that it does not need hair pigment to track with a laser so if you’re not a candidate for laser or IPL, you are in luck with electrolysis
THINGS TO AVOID AFTER TREATMENTFor 24-48 hours after the treatment, the follicles are more susceptible to infection. It is important that over this period, or until the follicles have healed, you must not; ~Touch, pick or scratch the area ~Cause excessive heat or perspiration in the treated area including the gym and saunas ~Expose the area to public swimming pools, spas or anything else that may have bacteria or strong chemicals such as chlorine ~Have facials ~Inflict any trauma, including friction from tight clothing ~Expose the skin to the sun, solariums or fake tans ~Do not touch the skin with unwashed hands after electrolysis. Avoid touching and feeling the area after your electrolysis session; as this can introduce bacteria which can lead to an infection.
HOW DOES ELECTROLYSIS WORK?Electrolysis uses the delivery of a fine, disposable probe into the hair follicle. Once in place, 2 electrical currents are delivered through the probe until sufficient destruction of the follicle has occurred and the hair has been released from its attachments in the follicle. At this stage the electrologist simply slides the hair from the follicle. The first current is Thermolysis which uses a build-up of heat to cause destruction to the tissue in the follicle. The second is Galvanic, this current causes a chemical reaction to occur using the salt and moisture in the tissues. This reaction is highly destructive to the follicle. Both currents are used simultaneously to create a greater amount of destruction at the one time. This modality is called the Blend Method. There are rarely any permanent side effects of electrolysis, only some temporary redness and scabbing following treatment. Adverse reactions such as blistering are not typical of a quality electrolysis treatment but are possible if the individual hairs are very thick. The hair growth cycle is made up of 3 stages ~Anagen, Catagen and Telogen stages~ The anagen stage The blood supply has touched a hair germ cell and stimulated the growth of a hair. This is the optimal stage to have an electrolysis treatment as the blood supply is present therefore we are causing destruction to both blood supply and hair germ cells. The catagen stage The blood supply, having finished its job, falls away from the follicle therefore in this stage only the hair germ cells are damaged. The telogen stage When only the hair germ cells are damaged there will be regrowth from these follicles but it will be finer and softer. Several treatments on hair germ cells will render them unable to produce a hair. Hair growth will require multiple treatments. Optimal results are achieved with consistent treatments, particularly in the early stages. Typically as we move into maintenance stage, treatments become less frequent or of shorter duration and continue to decrease as we move into the third stage of treatment.
HOW LONG DOES ELECTROLYSIS LAST?Your electrolysis treatment offers permanency providing you stick with the treatment plan, you will experience some regrowth but as treatment progresses, your hairs will become much more sparse and thin. Regrowth is dependent on your individual circumstances and keep in mind that you won’t be able to see all growth at the same time due to different growth stages.
WHAT SHOULD I DO TO PREPARE FOR TREATMENT?Moisturise & drink plenty of water! The better condition your skin is in, the easier your technicians insertions will be and the more effective the currents will be, this is especially important for clients wanting treatments through tattoos as the skin becomes damaged and thickened after tattooing. STOP waxing, tweezing and threading... Start trimming! We need to be able to grip the hairs with tweezers so a minimum of 3mm is necessary, 5mm is better Slightly longer growth makes our job easier and may mean a quicker and therefore, more cost effective treatment for you.
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT AFTER TREATMENT?After Electrolysis sessions, most people experience erythema (redness) and oedema (swelling) in the treated area, this usually subsides within a few hours. Other reactions which may take longer to subside include bruises, scabs, burns, bacterial and fungal infections, hyper pigmentation, hypo pigmentation, ice-pick scars and keloid scars. If you experience any of these conditions, contact us immediately to find out how to best treat this. Your after-care sheet will provide you with information on which products you can use at home to prevent the possibility of adverse reactions, for example anti-inflammatories, advanced healers, DNA repairers and Vitamin A. An important aid to the healing process is protecting your skin from the sun or solariums, and wearing an SPF 30 sunblock that is re-applied throughout the day OR a powdered mineral makeup that stays on all day
WHAT FACTORS EFFECT HAIR GROWTH?Hormones- It is important to understand that if your hormones fluctuate, so may your hair growth. Adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, hormonal conditions such as PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) and more, could be a contributing factor. If you suspect you may have hormone related hair growth, you may want to ask your health practitioner to refer you to have an endocrine test. Hereditary influence- Does anyone in your family have a similar growth pattern? Medication- Speak to your doctor about your medication if you believe this to be an influence Temporary methods of hair removal-Waxing, threading and tweezing all promote hair growth Laser and IPL- Have been known to cause paradoxical hypertrichosis on a small percentage of clients
DOES ELECTROLYSIS HURT?There's no clear answer for this as we all feel pain differently! I have roughly an even number of people who OOCH & OUCH their way through it as I do people who use their sessions as their relaxation time... And a few who sleep through it (but that's usually reserved for shift workers & mums of young kids) The electrolysis probe is a rounded tip needle the size of your own hair so it is rare that insertions will be felt, the currents produce an increasing warmth along with a slight stinging sensation. Usually, thicker hairs require higher settings & the longer treatment time per follicle so more discomfort may be felt. There are commonly agreed 'sensitive areas' around the lip & especially directly under the nose The area being treated will become more comfortable within a few minutes of the session beginning as the bodies natural pain relief kicks in and if all else fails, talk to your pharmacist about numbing cremes and gels
WHAT SHOULD I DO AFTER MY ELECTROLYSIS TREATMENT?~Apply aloe vera gel regularly for the rest of the day (with a clean cotton pad) ~Use a cool (clean) ice pack to cool the area and reduce swelling as needed ~Dust the area with a mineral makeup containing a high amount of zinc to heal the skin (NOT all make up labelled ‘mineral ‘contain a high amount of zinc and may be misleading, (please check the ingredients) also use a clean brush when applying your makeup keeping in-mind the area is open and more sensitive than usual.
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